Orgonite (round) Pebble


改善身體平衡和能量。 減少 EMF 輻射對身體的危害影響。


Energise the body while carrying. Improve body balance and energy. Decrease hazardous effect of EMF radiation to the body.

Made to order, waiting time more than 1 month

Category: Tag:


根據 Wilhelm Reich理論用 交替有機和金屬材料製造,使奧根能量以高密度形式交替推動。再添加白水晶材料、托馬林和強磁以增強力量。攜帶時為身體補充能量。 改善身體平衡和能量。 減少 EMF 輻射對身體的危害影響。

Made according to Wilhelm Reich theory of alternative organic and metallic materials allowing organ energy transition in concentrated form.

Added white crystal materials, tomaurin  and magnets to enhance power.

Energise the body while carrying. Improve body balance and energy. Decrease hazardous effect of EMF radiation to the body.